Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Rufflow Track - The Truth Is The Truth

You want money , I'm giving To You..
You want Girl !I'm giving To You..
You want BMW !I'm giving To You..
Ask Anything?yeah rite ,ask me?
I'm giving you what you want ,but still not thanking me ,still walking looking like a STAR but you still blind,
You can only shine with what I do ,but still no saying THANK YOU!DO I CARE ?I DON'T CARE..
Still writing what is coming from my head ,I don't care about my grammar or whatever because I'm Born for One ,That's Only should I know,I want to help you all but still have something to finish then I can (Say It I need Help..Insyallah everything is fine)..Ride with me ,I let You know what I capable off!If u scared,I'm scared too but still walking thru everything to the next level ..Allhamdulillah syukur still writing ,still thinking ,still eating,still walking,still sleeping,still doing EVERYTHING  I can do before the judgement DAY...=')