2st cast oil in pan ..wait until the oil ripe

3st put the fish and prawn has been mixed with spice into boied oil

while u waiting for the fish get fried..prepare rice in a plate

Ready to eat ....Actually I already prepare my tauhu sambal already before I fried fish..Time to eat!nyum2!allhamdulilah....kenyang dah....Before I forget I should clean the bathroom...


3st put the fish and prawn has been mixed with spice into boied oil

while u waiting for the fish get fried..prepare rice in a plate

Ready to eat ....Actually I already prepare my tauhu sambal already before I fried fish..Time to eat!nyum2!allhamdulilah....kenyang dah....Before I forget I should clean the bathroom...

waaa... sedap nyer.. :)
cikyanchoco dh dpt umah x?dgr cite ko x dpt umah lagi..yeezer..=)
cool! Thanks for the recipe! Lol~ XD
wah..rjin u meyh..
ley ar kms kn blik i pasni.
blh je pe salahnya..
servis murah je dalam rm250000 1bilik..huhu;D
uishh.ade skill chef wan ni..
ni calon2 suami yg baik.hahahahaha
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