hi smoa!!sihat...hope u all well when read my post..x tau nk uat pe...minggu dpan will start new project..
Start studying in project managment...Aku msuk bidang computer but now I must learn about managment..could I suceeding in this subject...I have 3quiz,3presentation(1 individual,2group),1 test...
erm....where should I start..1stly I borrow my sis managment book..start studying something important part for this year...after 30 minutes,I understand some of the topic in managment such as scope,quality,cost n project goals..If ur project manager don't have a goal before start the scope..
100% the project will be failed.....After I finish studying managment..I start to learn about Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Professioanal 2007.
Microsft Office Project Protfolio server 2007 helps your organization realize its potential by identifying, selecting, managing, and delivering portfolios that align with your strategic priorities.Some of the application ,I don't understand...BOOM!!!
I start listening music,before effect by serius killer call' STRESS'..hhuhuu
This list of music I listen:-
SoundGarden - Black hole Sun
-Fell on Black Day
Blink 182 -Adam Song's
-I Miss You
-The Rock Show
Simple Plan-The Worst Day Ever
-Welcome to My life
many more, If I list all of the songs that I listen before I sleep ,it will take a year..huhuu.so this is some songs that I always LOVE IT!!!..
Have A Nice Day..=)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Tlng bacakan..

Lailahaillallh,Allahuakbar & surah al-ikhlas 3x untuk masjid Aqsa yang sedang dikepung oleh rejim yahudi laknatullah...Amanah..
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Botak itu cantik..hanya apabila ianya datang dgn confidence & self esteem yg tinggi.Pada pertengahan tahun 1990-an,supermodel,tyson beckford telah menaikan taraf botak ke 1 stage yang lebih tinggi apabila menjadi model kepada Ralph Lauren.Iklan tersebut mendapat impak yang bagus ,sehinggalah slps Beckford selesai dgn tugas iklan tu,lauren mengambil model yang seakan sama yg masih kekal botak!
Botak boleh dikatakan lbih sesuai uat lelaki drpd pelbgai etnik namun di kalangan wanita sudah menggap trend in sesuatu yg COOL!!Rockers,Melissa Etheridge,seorng esakit barah payu dara dgn banggany melangkah dgn gaya botakke grammy awards...(lpa plk taun bla..huhu)...
Malah Fashion designer,Marc Volvo yang bangga dgn gaya ponytail-nya terus memutuskan utk tampil botak krn panggilan mother nature katanya lor..
Botak sudah menjadi trend yg sdh popular seluruh DUNIA..
so I think I will botak until end..huhuhu..
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