Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gain Muscle

hi ,how are you ?is it everything under control?if not make it in ur control..=)
Sorry for late updating my blog,I had long journey for this smester ..
GOOD NEWS :I had my own broadband..=)
BAD NEWS :My supplement have finish..=(

I go to college 6.30am until 10pm at night,so I don't have time to spend with my friends,but I got 1week smester break,so I decide to have fun with my friends..=)
For my workout,I spend 2hours every day..Allhamdulillah ,I'm getting my body shape in good..Before this I just want to do 6packs + gettin rip..but now I change my mind,this smeaster I set my goal to get more gain and get my muscle bigger..since my my 8000max amino acid have finish..I don't know which supplements to take but I do know how much gain I want to get!I want to build my muscle like this guy Josh Hyaduck!!

For my protein I think I will start with MUSCLETECH product,but most important things 'I WON't TAKE STEROID'..I will do my best to gain my muscle without STEROID,and I want to prove to you all without STEROID you all can gain muscle ,most importanly my my ride..=)

My First step for this month :Gettig my chest and my arm rip +big!

MooD:Happy ..=)
Action:train hard !make your body rip!..;)

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