I will remember this date...I learn something in our relationship...loyal is not enough for LOVE...
my advice...get a truck of money...then u can start love someone...if not u will not make ur love one happy...Don't make them fill pained when they with u...Do anything to make he or she smile...U will see a result in ur heart...Something so beautiful will shine there...u could't see it but u can feel it...if u in love...after talking to he or she...smile on ur face will appear....that's the best moment u will feel...great right..far away....
huhuhu..tol tuh..tp bg kite wit x penting..sbb bleyh cr..
pape pon wat yg terbaik tok org tersyg..hehehe..
kumen nieyh bleyh diambil kire ke?? ish2..sowie bro..hehehe..
bkn semua mcm tu..
yeezer...duit blh dicari tapi masa yang diberi itu trlalu singkat..
lantak la labu..huhu
boleh2..xboleh2..x tau la..huhu
money not everything man..
it just for play a game..
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