Monday, December 27, 2010
Time to Growth !
MoOD:pullups is my start!
Action:Doing the best I can for everything..=)
Saturday, December 25, 2010
My day 26 Nov 2010
But what to do??the more you say the more they do rite?
I will read every blog entry after I pay the broadband bills ..for now I only can write +write ..
For this week Its really pack I should get ready for my next sem ,I'm taking OOP (object oriented programing) subject.For your information(FYI) ,I had transfer my PCP(Principle Of Programing)..this is the basic java programing.The things is I had transfer my basic subject and go for the tough one for next sem,without basic I have no idea how to do the project for the subject..I never take java programing since in certificate because I have been taken IT course so most of my subject is focusing in hardware stuff,but now I'm doing networking engneering system .Most of my subject is using coding..I hate coding because I can't see what I'm doing until my coding is finish or your system is done but I should be used to it now .Learning new things is the best !When you get to know more,then you will get your brain in normal condition..;)
MooD:Teh tarik + nutella =nyum2!
Action:Watching Movie while riding=)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tudung Diwajibkan Dalam Islam
Hadis nabi.'barangsiapa yang meniru sesuatu kaum ,maka ia termasuk dari kalangan mereka'-Riwayat Abu Daud
Monday, December 20, 2010
Facing everything for the new YEAR 2011
So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage
I'm standing up, Im face my demons
I'm manning up, Imma hold my ground
I've had enough, now I'm so fed up
Time to put my life back together right now
I shoot for the moon
It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me
Admittedly I probably did it subliminally for you
So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through.•*¨*•♫♪
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Workout 11 days moRe
I'm getting my muscle done the problem is now I'm eating to much until I can't stop!After I do mY workout ,I will eat a lot..until I can't see a food at the kitchen then I stop eating..My goal can't be done until I didn't stop control my food ..If you want to get your shoulder and chest be done it's easy but for get your six's really tough without controling sugar+salt!I'm doing sit up but until now no changes I can see...using dumbell you can do your hold body workout but for me equipment that use in a gym can give more impact to your muscle and much easier to get your muscle done.I have 11days more to get this I start by stop taking my coffe drink+rice+meat and only vegetables + fruit + egg +chicken can help me to get this workout done!Today is my first day following this step ,I start focusing on my abs for my shoulder and chest I already finish ..I can't wait to get my workout at the gym with my friends..=)
Mood :Workout!
Action: Morning air can make you smile..=)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
STORY:SHE NeeD HELP where were YOU ?
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Forgiveness Is The Key
blacklist them in you heart ,starting that time You will look them as a DEVIl.Since then what they talk to you everything seems their a fault.
Try Open back your blacklist in your heart into green list,You will find something amazing!What they are saying is rite and you will notice that.When you realize that situation it will be to late or if your lucky,you had chance to improve yourself by using they advice..
Everyone In this World make mistake ,Don't say that you prefect!Don't live in the world of PREFECTION,Because you creating your own world that will destroy you!
Forgiveness is important in our LIFE.Don't blame them what they did to you when they Apologize to you.Accept they are aplogize and start listening what they are saying.You think they are enemy but what does you guess is wrong??
Please apologize to each other starting now..When you start forgiving someone ,you will feel something beautiful inside and your outcome will shine like STAR..SMILE=)
MooD :Feel like something should be done.null
Action:Drinking Tropicana Twister + Thinking
Friday, December 3, 2010
CameROn Highlands Trip..Enjoy It!
For My holiday I went To cameron higlands,I was surprise with the place tottaly change,because of the illegal logging!Before this the place are very cool now its not like the first day I came...
Saturday, November 20, 2010
jessie j -do it like a dude!huhu
Love story PaRt 3
Diana:nice name..=)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Exam Over TIme TO FREEDOM For 1month!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Free Advice 1
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
It's Happen agaiN
Thursday, November 4, 2010
LoVe Story Part 2
Love Story Part 2 begun ....
I start everything with my heart, That's me ...;)
7am, I start my workout at Tasik Titiwangsa .. fresh morning air is hard to get! only see oldies doing 'YOGA' and 'TAI CHI'..After I finish my work out,as usually I will sit near the lake and have good air..times up!
Friday, October 22, 2010
LOve Story
I'm sitting in library without any direction....1st of all I open my facebook ..nothing they that make me interesting today...but what make me intersting today is my friend beside me...He have test today but still playing facebook,he don't know how important education to him but what to do??His life not mine rite..asa friend I only can advice him..=D (aku pn 2x5 je .)..thingking what should I write..hurm...How about love story??let my hEart do everythin..=)
Watching someone near bangsar bustop,I do wonder she already have a boyfriend or not??When I look at her I can't stop my eye from watching her..She walk away from the bustop when someone came to her and stir her...I miss my beauty queen today because of the stranger!!My bus arrived shortly after the incident,watching her in the bus while she walking..even she disappear from my view ,I'm still thinking about her! Do I have chance to see her again??
The next day I saw her again lucky day!I sat beside her,she never realise my exist..I pretending like I'm not watching her,suddenly my eyes watch at the same time she turn to me too with a smile..=)
I love her smile...I never forget that smile,every time I think her..I will smile..=))
To be cOntinue.....
If my grammar is not good please let me know,I LOve to learn..;)
Mood :Writer
Action: Writing With smIle...=)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Done my CCNA assigment
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Sunday LifE
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Assigment WEEK
sleep late again,WHAT TO DO?
That's how student life ..+D
Preparing Slide Show for my Data Communication.After done the slide show I continue with Pengajian Islam assigment.I used to miss my learning life,but now it make me sick!I need time to break...
GYM + CLASS + STUDY + ASSIGMENT + PRESENTATION = LAST FOR ALL 'fInAL eXaM' and then beach party!!!=D
MOod : Focus + stir shah(huhu..=D )
Action:watchin mUsic video while doing my assigment
Saturday, October 9, 2010
My chinA MobiLe Is BaCk
I left my blog quiet for so long ,when I get to on9..I only open my facebook and my email.=0
As I always mention to you all ,I like to write and never stop writing until now.Trying to get my own diary ,but not now..kind of busy with my final exam +project..after that I free !!=D
What should I write ???My life..;)
I already Fix my china mobile !!!=)
that's means I can start hearing song when someone call me,although unusual for you all for me Its important..;) (life without music is boring.)..
Can't wait For my New ....... Transform??? wait and see..=)
MooD : happy + Trying to solve everything
Action: memorize mandarin
Saturday, September 25, 2010
MandariN OH Mandarin
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Happy Iedul Fitri Minal Aidzin wal Faidzin
MaaF Zahir & BAtin
TO my family and ,my School Buddy ,College Hulu Selangor,College Sabak bernam ,UniKL ,WBL Brilliance Information and to all the people I know or not..
I apologize for all the wrongs.Good Intention or not ,big and small ,who still remember or have forgotten. Forgive my sins, may our hearts purified from all mistakes
(Sori Xdpt nk edit pic.huhu =D )
Mood:Happy +RAYA!!
Action:writing without knowing the titles
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sharing WHat I think you Should know
10 Famous Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah,
There is a wide gap between the lives of Muslims today and the lives of the first generation of Muslims. Many of those who study Islam know more about the lives of scholars than they do about the Sahaba and the rightly-guided Caliphs, even though the era of the rightly-guided Caliphs offers all Muslims a rich source of knowledge about all the Islamic sciences. The Sahaba laid the foundations of a strong Islamic nation. The Companions of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saas) are some of Islam’s greatest heroes and played a great role in the history of Islam. Their struggles for the sake of Allah and their complete devotion to Islam are examples that all Muslims can feel inspired by and inshaAllah, emulate.
May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon His final Prophet and his noble Companions. These short descriptions of the lives and merits of these Companions hardly do them any justice. It is highly recommended that each Muslim do some further investigation by reading biographies of the Companions. Here are some facts about only a few of the Prophet’s Companions.
Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq: Abu Bakr was the Prophet’s (saas) best friend, and the first rightly-guided Caliph. He was the only person, other than the Prophet’s wife (Khadijah), who accepted Islam immediately and believed in Muhammad from Islam’s earliest beginnings. Abu Bakr always remained at the Prophet’s side, and he had no reservations about spending his wealth for the sake of Islam and the Muslims. He belonged to a wealthy, well-established family in Mecca, but when he died he had only six hundred dirhams. He used his status in Mecca to protect new converts to Islam when the Quraish were oppressing Muslims. The Companions recognized his superiority, yet he always remained humble and sincere towards all. He is an example of dedication and sacrifice.
Umar Ibn Al-Khattab: ‘Umar was the second Caliph of Islam and one of the closest Companions to the Prophet (saas). He was so firm in his practice of Islam that he usually could sense what was right or wrong before the Prophet (saas) had informed others of it. He used to say to his friends: “If a mule stumbles near the Euphrates River, I fear being questioned by Allah as to why I had not paved the road for it.” ‘Umar is the greatest examples of a just ruler. Before he converted, ‘Umar was a bitter enemy of Islam, but when he entered the fold, the Muslims felt strong enough to withstand any oppression, and began worshipping Allah openly. The Prophet (saas) said of ‘Umar: “Among the Children of Israel who lived before you, there were men who used to be inspired with guidance though they were not Prophets, and if there were any such person amongst my followers, it would be ‘Umar.”
Uthman bin ‘Affan: Uthman accepted Islam in its early beginnings. From the first moment he became a Muslim, Uthman used all his wealth to serve the cause of Islam. He spent most of his resources to satisfy the needs of poor Muslims. Other than Abu Bakr, none of the Prophet’s Companions could surpass him in his financial support of Islam. Uthman was the third rightly-guided Caliph. One of the great accomplishments of his rule was the collection of the Qur’an. Uthman was so distinctively modest that the Prophet (saas) said: “The angels feel shy when they see Uthman.”
Ali Ibn Abi Talib: Ali was one of the earliest believers, the first boy to embrace Islam at only twelve years of age, and the fourth Caliph. He lived in the Prophet’s (saas) house and imitated him in all that he did, living a humble life. Ali was especially heroic in the battles he fought for the cause of Islam, earning the nickname “the Lion of Allah”. Ali married the Prophet’s daughter, Fatimah, and they lived a happily together even though they were poor. Allah praised them in the Qur’an for their self-denial. One day, they were having their meal of dry bread, and a beggar knocked on the door. They gave him the dry bread and stayed hungry, because they preferred to satisfy Allah by feeding the beggar
Suhaib ar-Roomi: Suhaib was a slave as a child, taken as a prisoner of war by the Roman army when he was very young. He was taken to Mecca and sold to a noble man who later set him free. Suhaib became a trader and amassed wealth over the following years. He was one of the early believers who embraced Islam when he listened to one of the Prophet’s (saas) lectures. He tried to keep his faith secret, but the pagans tortured him because he was not affiliated with a powerful tribe in Mecca. When Suhaib migrated to Medina, the Quraish told him to surrender all of his wealth and property, or they would detain him. Suhaib left all his wealth and property behind for the sake of Islam. When he told the Prophet (saas) of the deal he made with Quraish to escape, the Prophet said to him twice: “O Suhaib! It was a profitable deal.” He defended the Prophet (saas) in battle, even shielding him with his own body against arrows.
Jabir bin Abdullah: Jabir embraced Islam when he was a young boy. Jabir was orphaned when he found his father’s body mutilated by the pagans at the battle of Uhud. Jabir’s father was a martyr, but he was left with a large debt and seven sisters to care for. Jabir was supported by the Prophet (saas) and his Companions. He sacrificed his happiness for the welfare of his seven sisters. Instead of marrying a virgin, he married an experienced widow who would be more capable of taking care of his sisters. He loved the Prophet (saas) dearly and kept close to him. He was always repeating that the Prophet (saas) taught him that smiling to a brother was a good deed for which a believer would be rewarded by Allah. Although he was extremely poor, he sacrificed the little food he had to the Prophet (saas) who was tying two stones to his stomach to overcome his hunger. As a result, Jabir’s house was blessed, thanks to prayers made by the Prophet (saas). Jabir fought in many battles against the enemies of Islam, and was a dedicated Muslim for the rest of his life.
‘Amr bin Al-‘Aas: ‘Amr bin Al-‘Aas was one of the greatest enemies of Islam before his conversion. He used all of his resources and skills to thwart the efforts of Muhammad (saas) and his Companions. However, he was an intelligent man, and embraced Islam. After submitting himself to Allah, ‘Amr became one of Islam’s greatest heroes. Prophet Muhammad (saas) showed his full trust in ‘Amr’s capabilities and sincerity towards Islam by appointing him as governor of Oman. ‘Amr later led the Muslims to conquer Egypt and establish a strong Islamic state.
Khalid bin Al-Waleed: Khalid bin Al-Waleed was a great hero of Islam. Known as ‘The Sword of Allah,’ he led several battles and was always victorious when he fought for Islam. Before he converted to Islam, he fought with the Quraish against Islam and even took part in torturing some of the weak Muslims, making it impossible for them to live in Mecca. It was Khalid bin Al-Waleed who found the weak spot in the Muslim army in the battle of Uhud and led the pagans to defeat the Muslims. After this, he was appointed the commander of the Quraish army for his military skill and strength. Khalid was eventually humiliated when he lost the Battle of the Trench. It took twenty years for Khalid bin Al-Waleed to convert to Islam, but when he did, he became a true soldier for Allah. He conquered apostates, notably Musailamah Al-Kadhab (the Liar) and restored peace and order to the Arabian Peninsula. He devised military tactics which, by the help of Allah, resulted in defeating the Roman army, subduing the Persians, and purifying Arabia from apostates. When he died, Umar bin Al-Khattab cried and said: “Women would never give birth to one like you.
Abu ‘Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah: The Prophet (saas) publicly named ten men who would be guaranteed Paradise in the Hereafter. One of these fortunate men was Abu ‘Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah. He was one of the earliest to accept Islam in its early days in Mecca. He took part in the migrations to Ethiopia and Medina for the sake of preserving his faith. He fought in all the major battles of Islam and spent most of his life as a soldier for Allah’s cause. He even killed his own father in battle when his father vowed to slay him for accepting Islam. Praising his character, the Prophet (saas) said: “Every Ummah has a trustworthy man; Abu ‘Ubaidah is the trustworthy man of this Ummah.
Bilal bin Rabah: Bilal was one of the earliest converts to Islam in Mecca and one of the slaves who accepted Islam at a time when becoming a Muslim resulted in persecution, or even death. Bilal was an Abyssinian brought to Mecca to be a slave in the house of a Quraishi chief. He was humiliated and oppressed because of his low status and dark skin, yet bore his trials with patience. In his heart, Bilal knew that the idols he was forced to worship would not be able to bring him any good or harm, so when he heard of a new Prophet who called people to worship Allah alone and to treat each other with justice and equality, he became interested in Islam. When his owner, Umayya bin Khalaf, discovered that Bilal had not only accepted Islam, but also spit on an idol in front of the Ka’bah, he tortured Bilal to make him turn away from his newfound faith. Bilal was whipped until his skin would tear and blood streamed out, taken to the desert, wrapped in steel chains and placed underneath a huge rock, and the only words he would say were ‘Allah is One.’ Bilal showed humanity that nothing should be exchanged for the true faith, not even one’s life. One day, Umayya was torturing Bilal particularly heavily, and Abu Bakr came and asked to purchase Bilal. Abu Bakr was persistent and paid a large sum for Bilal, then immediately declared Bilal to be a free man, an example of Islam’s attitude toward slavery. Bilal was treated equally by the Companions, and migrated to Medina for the sake of his faith. In Medina, Bilal announced the call to prayer for the first time in history and became the first Mu’edhin of Islam. With his melodious voice, he would give the call to prayer five times a day for the rest of the Prophet’s (saas) life.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
College LIfE
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Notebook Problem
Take care and have a nive day
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Now I have reason to watch final..yeahh!!!=)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Brazil fail!!!
I don't know what to say..... 'world cup for this year is really BORINGGG!!!all champ went out earlier then I thought!!crapp men!!..Hope germany going to final!
World cup 2014 in Brazil,I hope it will be intersting..can't wait!
Body Building
Reason is I'm staying with my family ,and my mom always cook delicious foods....That's 1 reason why I can't quit eating..=D
Another is my descipline,to low...=(
So I plan back to get my 6packs,with discpline myself to don't eat after done my exercise..this what I Do,but I'm not using dumbell...I'm using Rock 20 kG,don't force yourself doing when you had a limit!you know your limit!that's many kind of exercise course that I follow yoga,swat exercise and many more..I like to share this exercise with you all,follow this steps:-

to see cleary click the image
That's the exercice for getting 6 packs,For the nutritions you can choose in this website
I'm not taking other supplement rite now,only controling my diet.Most important things you should do this exercise for your health not for show off!Good exercise,Good health giving us positif in our inner body !
keep your health good !=)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Learning English Writing skills +Speak
Unsupported Language: We've found that the majority of your site’s content is in a language we do not currently support. Right now, we're only able to offer language support and ad targeting for the languages listed here. If you manage or own another site in one of our supported languages, feel free to resubmit your application as described below.'
I already knew that if I want to put the google engine,I should write my blog in english,so that I can accepted to get the google engine.but I forget about that.For now own I should post in english,but as u see my english writing is not good until now!the problem that I having is'I'm To lazzy when learn english'.I always promise myself that I will learn english starting tommorow,but when the day comes ,I juz read 2paragraph and then I start focusing in other non important things!I'm thinking this problem and trying to get solution for my problem.guess what??I have the solution now,to solve it I have my Oxford Dictionary on my side of my laptop,so that when I didn't understand word that I'm reading ,I can refer to that .I also start downloading many e-book in english such as Alexender the Great and What would Lincoln do.The author in this book inspire ,and most of all Abraham Lincoln letters is really amaze me ,his writing with language is really powerful.For most of the letters that lincoln wrote I couldn't understand what he talking about,but when the author explain about his writing there I realize what lincoln talking about.Every letters that lincoln wrote is really meaningful.Knowing new knowledge help me improve myself.that's how life been.
Mood: Happy + Learning
Action: Eating meat non stop(I can't stop my desire appetite)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Kembali Melalui 'INTernet'
at least ade untuk aku berkarya...skit2...;)
2 minggu lebih saya x on9 ,so mesti banyak yang nk cite kat sini ...kalau ingat semuanya aku dapat menulis tanpa henti,but ingatan aku ni x macam 'Einstien' so mesti yg banyak aku lost dari 'got'..
so saya mula menulis segalanya enjoy reading mengenai life saya..=)
Minggu lepas mula semuanya bagi saya,education...keputusan ipta yang saya terima n ipts..check ipta 'anda tidak berjaya'...down sekejab(duduk sambil termenung'where I will be')..
check ipts..'dalam proses'..x sabar nak tahu call ipts!I dapat berita gembira dapat..tapi saya x suka..huhu..biasalah semua nak masuk ipta kan dari ipts?
but what to do?saya dpt ipts ,mungkin pointer saya x cukup untuk level terima,next start packing..packing..baru perasaan ...'nak pack pe'..barang pn start 'shopping'.. cukup x cukup teruskan semuanya..'ring2'my dad call,
My DAd:X perlu masuk Ipts tu masuk unikl..
Me :Unikl,bila register?
My Dad:bUlan depan
Me :oh ok .assalamualaikum
My Dad:Waalaikumusalam
Stop Packing!malas pulak ..huhu..=D
ayah saya n saya bincang2 n bincang akhirnya memikirkan tukar cost n not stayin in hostel..
Dari 'multimedia' ke cos 'Networking'..tukar semula...ermm..pening sekejab n then pkir nak uat rayuan utk ipta,mana tau ade rezeki 'second chance' damansara on9 jab..setlkan semuanya..dah ..esok harinya dah set dalam mind saya nak repair laptop kesayangan saya...
Lowyat is the next destination,dah smpai sana kena jugak..haiz..apa lagi klau antar kat hp cost beribu,klau kat sn ratus but no warranty,thats mean klau ari ni okey n esaok rosak kena bayar lagi ...argghh!x smpai 1 taun 6 buLan dah rosak,n then ade ke patut penjual tu suruh reapir n jual terus??belum smpai 2 taun pn itu respone dia...terpaksa tahan geram n keep goin with low price repair...JAga2 apabila beli laptop!!Jangan Nak Beli Laptop MAhal!serius!cukup spek anda inginkan sudah cukup n kalau boleh tambah warranty selama 3 taun !!It safe for u..
Kalau 1 taun ..memang rugi..pratus kerosakan laptop selepas 1 taun amat tinggi!that's happen ..ada yang dah tau ade yg x tau ..Peringatan'Long term lagi bagus dari short term'..=)
Allhamdulillah laptop saya ok sampai sekarang...solve dah masalah laptop yang pernah memeningkan otak saya ni..=D
Seperti yang anda tau 'Musim Bola",..tapi dah x menarik dah game sekarang macam dulu ,france n italy out dah....walaupun aku bukan peyokong negara tersebut but still kita susah nak ramalkan siapa yang menang taun ni..itu yang uat x interest nak tengok bola ni...but saya masih x tido nak tengok bola..huhu=D
Musim Bola ni Sekjab je n then kena tunggu 2014 kat better enjoy the game..=)
Persiapan dah uat semuanya dah ready,tunggu keputusan stay hostel or umah ...dah tau tu ..setle semuanya n start 'study'..challenging for me,cuz course netwoking saya sangat lemah sebelum ni..dah uat persediaan untuk degree ni..everything Goin According plan,iF not..get ready for plan..saya suka guna ayat ni..
MOod: author,chatting
Saturday, June 12, 2010
JUne Is What I Want!
So minggu ni kerja aku g shopping bli barang2 keperluan untuk memasuki universiti,semua tempat aku jejak dari street ke mall..;)
Dalam List aku terlalu bnyak yang barang yang aku perlu beli ,maklumlah seelum ni kat tmpt study lm aku hanya perlu pkai formal cuz ade 1sem je masuk clas,lg 1taun (WBL)Worked Based Learning,then dah abis dah!!
Now aku nk saambung ijazah aku,masa yang aku ambil sangat lama,tapi tidak akan ku risau..aku dh plan 3taun dari much things that i already archieve..allhamdulillah syukur..=)
Before this if u see my older post is always abiout pimples+ stress,now I Have solutions to that pRoblem..THat's why I can smile even My sis scold me..huhu(Sico Kpla akak aku)..=D
Slalu aku hangout mesti dengan kawan2 taun ni dalam sejarah FAMILY aku ,we hangout together Back.thanks a lot to my Sis car..huhu
that's true Without the transport ,I am really lazy to hang out..My Bike always cause me a Problem..=(
I could not Stop Thinikin bout my study ,when I will FinisH?(belum masuk lagi dh pkir nak abis).I should think rite cuz mY age goin up not down..huhu=D
WIsh Me luck Friends..BTW SAya mengambil kesempatan ni untuk minta maaf pada kawan saya apit kerana tidak dapat hadir kenduri kahwin akak anda..saya betul2 maksudkanya..=,)
ACTION :tulis sambil minum NESCAFE'latte'+MCd
Sunday, June 6, 2010
What I'm thinking
Cepat aku nak selesaikan 1persatu..
Blog aku x terurus lagi ..nanti aku uruskan..huhu
Friday, June 4, 2010
SYukuR Sahabat2 sy Berjaya
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Merepek +Kerepek
Gembiranya Aku arini!aku pn x tau pe dh jadi kat aku ..ayik gelak ketawa !yang pelik leh pulak aku gelak wlpn lagu sedih..huhuhu
Macam something nk datang je..something2..x sabar aku nk masuk blja sebenrnya!!!=)
dah masuk blaja otak aku akan start 'meletup' full ngn study ..tapi wa suka beb!Keja +Study!
Best of tHe best !
Kartun yg paling aku minat 'Oggy N thE Cockroches'.aku gelak mcm lipas tu..huhuhu=D
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
VideO Klip- Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber - One Time
VideO Klip- Justin Bieber
Best Songs-Justin bieber
Dalam usia muda dah jadi penyanyi top dari youtube ke dunia Hiburan!
aku dgr lagu ni mula2 kat Fb ,aku ingt pmpn ..suara bila dia tarik x ke mcm pmpn??x tau la,itu pendapat aku..Deria ingin tau aku ni x sabar2 nk tau mengenai penyanyi ni..akhirnya aku dgr semua lagu dia :-
-Baby Ft Ludacris
-One time
-Never let yOu Go
-One less lonely girl
Semua yang aku dgr ,semuanya aku suka..=0
Rentak lagu + lirik lagu =Memang Perfect sampai x henti aku dgr lagu ni..ulang2 n ulang smpai Ulang balik..hahaha=D
Tapi yang peliknya ade jugak yg x suka penyanyi ni,knp??confirm kerana Cemburu..huhuhu=D
Dunia xkan Bhnti...wlpn ku pinta..ini dikatakan .::LIFE::..=)
Malaysia teTap Dihati
siapa yg menonton siaran langsung badminton .tentu paham ngn tajuk post aku kali ni.
walaupun malaysia kalah memasuki final,but they all dah uat terbaik untuk Malaysia ..=)
Persiapan mereka untuk hadapi perlawanan ngn china amat baik sekali,walaupun ramalan kita bukan 50%-50%.boleh dikatakan china 60% and malaysia 40%.kita pun dapat lihat skills china memang cukup hebat dari pemain malaysia.Semua harapan yang kita letak pada pemain oldskool kita seperti Datuk Lee Chong Wei,tapi smpai bila kita nk harapkan pemain senior kita??
Tapi aku tau ade HERO badminton kat luar sana yg belum tunjukan bakat mereka,tunggu dan lihat untuk piala thomas 2012..
Play More ,learn More'MILO'=)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Life in pattern
dalam cerita ade cerita baru menarik cerita kita ,lagi2 tersirat...;)
br aku dpt on9 ,asyik x der intenet ni ..dh dpt intenet ngantuk pn leh x ngantuk.huhu
tgh aku setlkan balutan pos abg aku,akak aku pn balik dari shah alam..ade dia bwk pau...
makan sambil tulis...'mencekih'..
semalam aku terserempak ngn kawan lama ku yg dh lama aku x jumpa ..dah berkerjaya...yg aku masih menunggu kptsn aku utk smbg ijazah if x der ipta kena teruskan kat ipts...
pening jgk memikirkan ipts yg mn bagus..pilih ni tu ..semuanya x kena ...ade je masalahnya..
klau bgs ..MQA plk dah tamat tempoh..'RISIkO'..aku x pandai main ngn risiko takut xsempat aku nk graduate ,ade mslh lain...x nk ooo=0
Tengah setlkan study n part time dh dpt 3 tmpt..dpt kptsn leh dah join..good2..semuanya jadi macam aku rancang..x lari trek..huhu=D
pe lagi aku nk beitau korang ..ehhmm2.....
ahh...aku dh ade pet aku sndri..bkn kat facebook tu ni yg real..tikus yg dipannggil'REO'.aku pn x sngka beli tikus ni ..aku nk tnjk pic x der camera nanti dh ade .aku akan post pic REO..=)
haa ckp psl REO aku teringt kat musang atas bumbung umah aku ni ..dah ade babe baru dh skrg..makin ganggu konsentrasi ku apabila mendengar lagu ..dah x leh nk buka tingkap bila malam ..jhaizz...=0
aslkn ko 1keluarga bahagia family musang..=)
Ini je la yang ingin aku beritahu kat korang semua..jika ade cite lagi n ade maxis broadband ni lagi..aku akan update n majukan blog aku ni smpai aku boleh..semuanya'HAve a nice Day'..=)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Know urself With ur Own waY
-Berfikiran jauh.
-Mudah ditawan kerana sikap baik.
- Berperangai lemah lembut.
- Mudah berubah sikap, perangai, idea dan mood.
- Idea yang terlalu banyak di kepala.
-Bersikap sensitif.
-Mempunyai pemikiran yang aktif (sentiasa berfikir).
- Sukar melakukan sesuatu dengan segera.
- Bersikap suka menangguh-nangguh.
- Bersikap terlalu memilih & mahukan yang terbaik.
- Cepat marah & cepat sejuk.
- Suka bercakap & berdebat.
-Suka buat lawak & bergurau.
-Otaknya cerdas berangan-angan.
- Mudah berkawan & pandai berkawan.
-orang yang sangat tertib.
- Pandai mempamerkan sikap.
- Mudah kecil hati.
- Mudah kena selsema.
- Suka berkemas.
-Cepat rasa bosan.
- Sikap terlalu memilih & cerewet.
-Kurang mempamerkan perasaan.
- Lambat untuk sembuh apabila terluka hati.
-Suka pada barang yang berjenama.
-Kedegilan yang tidak terkawal.
-Sesiapa yang memuji, dianggap musuh.
-Siapa yang menegur dianggap kawan.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
MiraCle MiNd
bangun basuh n duk tgk cite ngn family..juz borak something2..n then my bro start cite mengenai miRAcle mind..budak yg leh calculate jawapan melalui tgk nombornya!
menarik kan,kita sebagai manusia biasa memrlukan masa yg panjang utk mengira jumlah yg besa tapi genius ni hanya perlu melihat nombor n bolh beritahu jawapanya walaupun angka berapa juata pn...dah tu seorang terencat boleh membaca dalam masa yg singkat n ingat terus dalam otak..
cara kita membaca 1 muka surat ,rite?but dia baca 2 muka surat skali..cuba bayangkan mata dia bergerak mcm mn?memang hebat...n abg aku software untuk melatih speed read,membaca ngn cpt...memang kaedahnya berbeza n susah tapi mudah bagi kita nanti apabila kita blaja...kebanyakan insitut luar negara menggunakan kaedah ni ..kebanyakaan kita tau tapi kita x amalkan kaedah ni...klau kita amalkan kaedah ni..cuba bayngkan reading skills kita amat bagus!banyak lagi aku dapat berkongsi ngn adikberadik aku to know everything goin on in this World!Great!